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Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanists and their Atheist minions

"...Many [atheists] have a particular hatred toward the God of the Bible and some openly blaspheme Him and His ways with vehemence. Their spirit is the same bitter spirit that [satanists] have toward God.

"...According to the Bible there is no such thing as an atheist. If one rejects God’s ways, he automatically joins the "other" camp and that camp is Satan’s camp..."

Atheism is therefore a philosophy that emanates from Satan. It leads to abandoning the true God and to idolizing the self...."


Satanic Church Service

Bohemian Grove Satanic Child Sacrifice Ritual - performed in secret by the world elite (Cremation Of Care)

Witness testifying to Bohemian Groove Sacrifices

2nd Boheminan Grove Former Employee comes forward.


Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanic Atheists and the Music Industry: Part 1: Mass Indoctrination and Control

",,,On several occasions since the fall of the Third Reich, evidence has surfaced of connections between the far right and Satanism. As in the cases of Hendrik Möbus and Daniel Ruda, however, they have been limited to individuals or, at most, small groups. But in the past five years, an entirely new phenomenon has developed: a mass youth culture in which neo-Nazi ideas and symbols have merged with the Gothic scene.

This movement can be traced back to 1993, when Roland Bubik, widely regarded as the leading thinker of the German extreme right, wrote a seminal article for the magazine Junge Freiheit. Entitled "Culture as a question of power", it argued that "new possibilities for influencing people are arising in the area of communications networks. In particular, the entertainment industry... has an immense influence that until now has gone unremarked." Within a couple of years, Bubik's partner, Simone Satzger, was stating as fact, in a collection of essays edited by Bubik, that the far right's strategy was "to open up contemporary cultural and political phenomena to use them for our own purposes...".


*Notice the extreme similarity between this "concert" and the rituals of the Church of Satan and Bohemian Grove.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Satanists Perform ‘Gay Ritual’ at Westboro Gravesite

A group of satanists say they’ve given the controversial Westboro Baptist Church a taste of its own medicine, performing a same-sex ritual at the grave of the mother of the church’s founder.

Members of the Satanist Temple performed on Sunday what its spokesman describes as a “pink mass” an admittedly made-up ritual, celebrating gay love, at the grave in Meridian, Miss.

Spokesman Lucien Greaves doffed a headdress made of horns as two male couples, and a female couple recited scripture, lit candles and made out over the grave.

Members then posthumously declared Catherine Johnston, the mother of Westboro’s founder Fred Phelps, a lesbian.

The ritual was designed to get a rise of the WBC, the satanists said, an organization that’s earned a national reputation for getting a rise out of others.

Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, a fundamentalist congregation infamous for picketing at the funerals of celebrities, victims of disaster and terrorism, and U.S. soldiers killed in combat.

The church, located in Topeka, Kan., believes that the whole of the United States is in a state of sin because of gays. Members often protest at funerals carrying signs that read “God hates fags.”

The idea to stage a counter-protest by the New York based Satanist Temple after WBC members threatened to picket at funerals for those killed in the Boston Marathon bombings, Greaves told ABCNews.com.

The ritual took place at Magnolia Cemetery near a busy road, but Greaves said no one bothered the group of Satanists.

“Our right to believe that Fred Phelps now must believe that his mother is gay is inviolable,” said Greaves. “No one can question our beliefs,” he said, mocking a Westboro talking point that was recently at the heart of Supreme Court case, which the church won.

A spokesman for Westboro, which has never shirked from publicity, told ABC that the “pink mass” only gave the church another moment to preach against gay people.

“I don’t care whether you’re dancing on a grave, in a hot air balloon, or standing on Mt. Kiliminjaro, homosexuality is a sin. And the punishment fixed for that sin is the death penalty,” said Westboro spokesman Steve Drain.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Oh, look at who just sachette'd into the room. Mr or Ms Jew Liberal X.

If you weren't there then it didn't happen. I don't care if you are a Jew. Thanks for posting that. I so much now want to join in on that shit. Oh, wait, are you an Atheist? I get you two so much confused.

Att Moderators:

My questions to XFire were not of an inflammable nature. I don't question his or her gender. Yea, I do, but that's not a part of what I am saying. If I'm on the right forum then let me make my point. What I was going to ask next is if any of the couples were Satinist Aithiests. Plus I believe that Jews control the media (with some Irish sprinkled in.)

Am I going to have this shit eddited before posting? If XFire says he owes me 20 bucks then he isn't XFire.

So, did I win something?


Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanic Atheists and the Music Industry: Part 2: Satanic Symbols and Hand Signs Shown as Conformity to Devil Worship











I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Do you know the nam of the greatest Heavy Metal festival in France, one of the greatest in Europe ?
It is called HELLFEST



Baconsalt > WTC7
Do you know the nam of the greatest Heavy Metal festival in France, one of the greatest in Europe ?
It is called HELLFEST


Many people tend to associate Heavy Metal with Satanism, but the true power elite satanists do not...they merely use popular genres of music to fulfill the objectives of their agenda.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Do you know the nam of the greatest Heavy Metal festival in France, one of the greatest in Europe ?
It is called HELLFEST


Do they have food trucks at these gatherings? That would be awesome.


Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanic Atheists and the Entertainment Industry Cont'd: Satanic Symbolic Meaning: Sellout Entertainers and Puppet Religious & Political Actors


















Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanic Atheists and the Entertainment Industry: The Language and Symbols Of Satanism


*The satanic fake facade of lies: Free Love Utopia "Do what you want"

*The satanic reality: Tyranny , Slavery, Genocide & Oppression "We do what we want to YOU"

"... sadistic Satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and pedophile, practices animal sacrifice and ritual murder. It works "hand in glove" with the CIA and Freemasonry. It is Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates. It controls the world traffic in drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. (http://www.suite10 1.com/article.cfm/ritual_abuse/40931) It may be behind political assassination, and "terrorism," including Sept. 11, the Maryland sniper and the Bali bomb blast.

It has infiltrated government on a local, state and national level; education and financial institutions; religion and the media. Based in Europe, it plans a "world order" that will make its earlier attempts, Nazism and Communism, look like picnics. One other detail: these people are not very happy..."






Baconsalt > WTC7
Satanic Atheists and the Entertainment Industry: Soul Sellouts or Truth Soldiers

*The real Illuminati Satanist are the wealthy Super-Rich repreasenting less than .01% of the worlds population, who plan to eliminate at least 90% of the rest of the world's populations...If they ever gain the power they seek, No-one reading this message will be spared.




Baconsalt > WTC7
Illuminati Satanic Atheists & The Entertainment Industry: Idol Worship & Mind Control

MK-Ultra & Mind Control Projecthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA
Induced States of Consciousness U.S. Patent 5356368 (Monroe 1994)

In 1991 Monroe filed a patent (U.S. Patent 5356368) for an improved method of altering human minds using EEG waveforms and Frequency Following Response, "Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness". Pre-recorded EEG waveforms of various states of consciousness are superimposed on target human mind via broadcast FFR signals. Like Montroe's earlier FFR patent, this can also be applied via Silent Sound. The patent was granted by the U.S. Patent office in 1994.



I changed my middle-name to Freeones
I am a true disciple of the creepy spider skull avatar cult!


Baconsalt > WTC7
Project Monarch & The Illuminati Formula: Trauma based Mind-Control

"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective." (Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 1958)

The Monarch Program is an umbrella term for mind control devised by Disney in collaboration with FBI and other government institutions in USA.

Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). http://www.whale.to/b/monarch_q.html

Entertainment Industry Split-Personality Demon-Possessed Monarch Slaves



Btitmey Spears - BRITANNIA



Christina Aguilera - XTINA

Tila Tequilla - JANE