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Kellyanne Conway: Failure of polls to predict Trump’s 2020 success ‘a rebuke of the elites and the establishment’


My wife doesn't know I'm a perv!
November 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Former counselor to President Donald Trump and decades-long pollster Kellyanne Conway lent some of her expertise to Fox News yesterday to help explain why poll predictions of election results have been so at odds with actual “red wave” of Republican victories.

Conway suggested that the motive that is driving a hurried election call for former vice president Joe Biden is the same motive behind biased, remarkably inaccurate polls.

“They spent three years investigating the president, impeaching the president. We can’t wait three hours, three days, three weeks to get a result in our great sturdy democracy as to who our next president will be?” questioned Conway.

“I mean, what is the rush all of a sudden? I think the rush is: there was no blue wave, there was no early night, there was no Democratic progressive realignment.”

She continued, “The Democratic down-ballot disasters carried all the way to the state legislatures as well. The Democrats did not flip a single state legislature. And in fact, the Republicans flipped the House and Senate, for example, in a place like New Hampshire.”

“The seven races that flipped are brand new Republican pick-ups. As (House Minority) Leader (Kevin) McCarthy noted, those were all carried by a woman, a minority candidate, and/or a veteran,” Conway noted. “And that means the candidate recruitment the Republicans were doing, their message … really carried them forward and nobody really paid attention to that. Instead, all of these phony national polls were shoved down our throats.”

Conway emphasized that when she became Trump’s campaign manager in 2016, “We did zero – let me repeat the number, zero – national polls from that point forward. They’re not relevant, they tell you trends, but they don’t dig into the electoral college map.”

When a Fox commentator noted that the state polls were inaccurate as well, Conway replied, “But remember, a lot of them were media and academic polls.”

To demonstrate just how faulty election predictions have been, the Fox News panel speaking with Conway played a montage of clips predicting that Republicans would be overrun by Democrats in every corner of the 2020 election. One media commentator remarked, “Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug, and this year it looks like Republicans are going to be the bug.” Another said, “This could be the year where Texas goes blue.”

Conway brought up the fact that pollsters are conspicuously exempt from business standards of competence, something she had also pointed out in 2016 on Fox News: “Not a single person has lost his or her job who was chronically wrong about this election in 2016. Nobody cares and nobody wants to cure this problem. If this were a real business, the C-suite would be cleaned out, the shareholders would revolt and the consumers would vote with their feet, they’d go elsewhere.”

Conway pointed out, “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to sample enough people in each cohort by race, by gender, by age, by geography, by party affiliation. You have to wait, w-a-i-t to finish a poll over a series of days for (it) to be accurate, but what’s happening is they’re weighting w-e-i-g-h-t their results, so they’re getting a small number of responses in an individual cohort and extrapolating that.”

“Why are we in such a rush to finish this election prematurely? I think it’s a time to be methodical and not emotional. I think we should be exposing some of the people who are in charge of this who have a history of being wildly anti-Trump,” Conway continued.

“This is a rebuke of the elites I think and the establishment telling people how to think, what to do, and what your value of a human being is based on your vote.”



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Let me get this right. 538 gave Biden a 90% chance of winning. He won and the pollsters were wrong? Everything needed to right for Trump to win while Biden had a margin of error. It played out exactly how some

As I have stated elsewhere, it's not the statistics but our understanding of them. 90% <> 100%. 10% <> 0%. For politics 90% is good. For the likelihood of your plane landing, not so much.

538 had the chances of Republicans holding onto the Senate at roughly one-in-four. That is about the major league batting average and we (us baseball fans) observe how many hits occur.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Wasn't Kellyanne the one who started the whole 'alternative facts' movement?
She did, and it really went downhill for her from then.

I think taking a job in twump's cabinet was her downfall. If she stopped after his election, she would have been known as the "brilliant mastermind behind getting him elected", and could have had a great career as literally anything - advisor, advocate, speaker, political analyst etc.
Now she'll be lucky if anyone but fox news even looks at her resume.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Wasn't Kellyanne the one who started the whole 'alternative facts' movement?
Chuck Todd of NBC's Meet the Press really did confront Kellyanne Conway after Press Secretary Sean Spicer's first press conference on January 22, 2017.

One for him. She continually interrupts him. Terrible on her part. Thus, this started the first of four years of lies, falsehoods, misrepresentations coming from the White House.

I wonder how that relationship is going? George and Kellyanne?

Talk about oil and water! Magnets with opposite attraction! : )
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I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Chuck Todd of NBC's Meet the Press really did confront Kellyanne Conway after Press Secretary Sean Spicer's first press conference on January 22, 2017.

One for him. She continually interrupts him. Terrible on her part. Thus, this started the first of four years of lies, falsehoods, misrepresentations coming from the White House.

I wonder how that relationship is going? George and Kellyanne?

Talk about oil and water! Magnets with opposite attraction! : )
Just before she says "alternative facts", you can see that uneasy gulp/hesitation - I remember Noah saying "It was like she could taste the BS in her mouth as she was saying it"


A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke.
She tested positive for covid, went home and told her daughter she tested negative and then spent the day doing mother/daughter shit with her. She's the absolute bottom of the barrel, right next to mcenany.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Yes, Kayleigh McEnany is another pro-Trump strategist. A perfect fit as his current press secretary. What is she the fourth press secretary in his Adminstration? Let's see. Yes, Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Stephanie Grisham, and now Kayleigh McEnany. The President sure can't keep his staff. Since they either resign or he fires them. Anyone who speaks out against him, he'll fire.

Though Kayleigh McEnany certainly hasn't been doing much since Trump has lost the election.

She tested positive for covid, went home and told her daughter she tested negative and then spent the day doing mother/daughter shit with her. She's the absolute bottom of the barrel, right next to mcenany.
Is this Claudia? That is because the daughter just like her father George dislikes Donald Trump immensely.

From George Conway's wikipedia:

Conway's daughter Claudia Conway came to fame in 2020 for her anti-Trump comments on TikTok[36] On July 2, Claudia expressed that her father approved of utilizing her right to free speech and voicing her own opinions.[37] On July 3, Conway tweeted a request that all media cease communicating with his daughter.[38] Despite her father being against Trump, in response to her father's attempted censorship, Claudia tweeted "You're just mad that I'm finally getting my voice heard. Sorry your marriage failed".[39] Claudia's social media accounts were then briefly made private.[40][41].

Like I said their marriage is probably on the rocks.
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Let me get this right. 538 gave Biden a 90% chance of winning. He won and the pollsters were wrong? Everything needed to right for Trump to win while Biden had a margin of error. It played out exactly how some

As I have stated elsewhere, it's not the statistics but our understanding of them. 90% <> 100%. 10% <> 0%. For politics 90% is good. For the likelihood of your plane landing, not so much.

538 had the chances of Republicans holding onto the Senate at roughly one-in-four. That is about the major league batting average and we (us baseball fans) observe how many hits occur.

This post hasn't been emphasized enough, and it held true in 2016, too, the polls have been pretty damn dead ass on the money for all of it, I'll give Smelly-Anne credit for one, thing, you gotta be patient with it, which no one wants to do, but other than her Pai Mei impression, she got everything else wrong.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
"Like I said their marriage is probably on the rocks." John 8581
I donno. I have known a lot of couples who are seemingly mortal enemies. Fighting, bad mouthing each other to anyone who will listen. Sometimes physically destructive. And yet some stay married for years and years You never know why but they do. And some don't last a month.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Game over ...


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